The relationship between nucleic acids and proteins
- Nucleic acids as information molecules that encode instructions for the synthesis of proteins
- The structure of DNA, the three main forms of RNA (mRNA, rRNA and tRNA) and a comparison of their respective nucleotides
- The genetic code as a universal triplet code that is degenerate and the steps in gene expression, including transcription, RNA processing in eukaryotic cells and translation by ribosomes
- The structure of genes: exons, introns and promoter and operator regions
- The basic elements of gene regulation: prokaryotic trp operon as a simplified example of a regulatory process
- Amino acids as the monomers of a polypeptide chain and the resultant hierarchical levels of structure that give rise to a functional protein
- Proteins as a diverse group of molecules that collectively make an organism’s proteome, including enzymes as catalysts in biochemical pathways
- The role of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and associated vesicles in the export of proteins from a cell via the protein secretory pathway
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