Key Knowledge:
A disease is a condition that disturbs the normal functioning of the body – in other words, the body can no longer maintain homeostasis
- Examples of diseases resulting from malfunctions to homeostatic mechanisms include diabetes, hypoglycaemia and hyperthyroidism
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that occurs when the body cannot regulate blood sugar concentrations
- This causes hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose), which leads to hypertonicity within the interstitial fluid that is damaging to cells
Diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce insulin (type I) or when the body fails to respond to the insulin produced (type II)
- Type I diabetes usually has an early onset (i.e. during childhood) and can be treated with regular insulin injections
- Type II diabetes typically has a later onset (i.e. during adulthood) and must be managed by carefully controlling dietary intake

Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) may commonly occur in type I diabetics if they mismanage their insulin injection schedule
- Taking too much insulin may lower blood glucose levels below homeostatic tolerance levels (automated insulin pumps can avoid this)
Hypoglycaemia can also be caused as a consequence of improper dietary management or via extended physical exertion
- Diets with insufficent levels of carbohydrates can cause blood glucose levels to drop during subsequent periods of fasting (i.e. overnight)
- The intensity and duration of exercise, as well as its timing (in terms of proximity to meals), can also impact blood glucose regulation
Hyperthyroidism is caused by the excessive production of thyroid hormones (possibly due to thyroid inflammation or localised tumors)
- Another potential cause of hyperthyroidism is excess iodine intake (iodine is a component of the principal thyroid hormone: thyroxin)
As thyroid hormones regulate metabolic activity, symptoms of hyperthyroidism will be related to an abnormally high metabolic rate
- Possible symptoms may include irregular heartbeats, heat intolerance, weight loss and general muscular weakness
Treatment for hyperthyroidism will depend on the severity of the condition and may include certain medications or thyroid removal