The creator of the BioNinja website is a figure of myth and legend (much like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny)
However, if you need to reference a page from this site, use the following information:
- Author: Cornell, B.
- Year Published: 2016
- Title of Webpage: Page you are citing in italics (e.g. Referencing)
- Website Address: http://vce.bioninja.com.au
- Last Accessed: Date you viewed the content being cited
An example of a reference for this page would be:
- Cornell, B. 2016. Referencing. [ONLINE] Available at: http://vce.bioninja.com.au. [Accessed 18 October 2018]
The following is a link to a Harvard Referencing Generator for websites: http://harvardgenerator.com
Mythical Figures (Who Are Totally Real)